Danna Bernardino

Danna Bernardino, a Linguistics graduate from the University of the Philippines, traces her artistic journey back to her mother’s influence when, as a child, she sought to learn the art of drawing. Beginning with sketches, her talent blossomed into vibrant paintings, exploring a variety of mediums such as pastels, acrylic, and watercolors, with some of her early works even finding their way into teen magazines. Embracing the rise of technology, Danna ventured into digital art, blending tradition with innovation. Two years ago, she embarked on a sculpting journey, seeking a more dimensional, tangible, and tactile medium. What started as a hobby fueled by curiosity has now evolved into a profound and enduring passion.


Playful Spirit
Air Dry Clay on Stone Base
18 in. x 14 in. x 18 in.
c. 2023
Serenity Swan
Air Dry Clay, Metal Wire on Wood 
21.5 in. x 12 in. x 20 in.
c. 2023
Fearless Beauty
Air Dry Clay on Wood Base
18 in. x 8 in. x 18 in. 
Charging into Prosperity
Air Dry Clay on Stone Base
c. 2023


Artienda Art Gallery: Her Moment (2022)
Artienda Art Gallery: Her Story (2023)