Eberle Catampongan, a skilled artist hailing from Antipolo, Rizal, graced the world with his presence on March 23, 1980. He pursued a degree in architecture from the esteemed Technological Institute of the Philippines, where he had the opportunity to learn from Tony Mahilum, a renowned Historical Genre Painter. Catampongan’s unique style, which he aptly calls Post Art, is characterized by his keen eye for historical architectural structures and cultural traditions and celebrations in the Philippines.
In his artwork, Catampongan incorporates meticulous attention to detail, particularly in the painted characters that he portrays as if they were simply carrying out their daily activities. His background in architecture is evident in the intricate details he adds to his art, with his masterful use of structures as backdrops in Filipino rustic towns and villages. One of his notable achievements is the creation of the captivating artwork entitled “Pasko sa Nayon,” which served as Pan de Manila’s Christmas 2018 centerpiece.