Born into a legacy of movie industry pioneers, Jaime Nepomuceno’s heritage includes his grandfather Jose Nepomuceno, known as the “Father of Filipino Movies,” and his father Luis Nepomuceno, a highly acclaimed filmmaker. Jaime’s passion for craftsmanship emerged early as he admired the artistry within the movie studio’s prop fabrication department. Despite lacking a golden spoon, he wielded tools that molded his skills from youth, constantly refining and enhancing objects. He pursued architecture at U.S.T., subsequently applying his expertise to design gondolas, display racks, and retail spaces for the family business during the 90s. Jaime also delved into constructing and selling residential homes. He won The 2015 GSIS Art Competition the second time joining it. He purposely prepared for it and successfully won a Grand Prize for the Sculpture Category. He also became a finalist for another sculpture at the Art Association of the Philippines(AAP) Art Competition in that same year.