

Traditions | Eberle Catampongan




by Marleena Litton

Eberle Catampongan celebrates his 15 years with the Art Circle Gallery with this exhibit. It is his first. Having undergone formal studies in architecture, he was able to fuse such knowledge with talent. His art is a delight as he draws nostalgia and colonial times into a marvel of picturesque art pieces. Houses got rendered with a hint of aesthetic ideal cloaked in the rituals of culture and urbanization. A celebration it is, where art and tradition are akin.

It transports us.

The art of Eberle Catampongan portrays and tells of a time of adoring crowds gathered in their habitual fete. There is solemnity and festivity. Seemingly, alienation is dispelled, at least for a time, when things fall into place during its observance. It seals an enduring image that calls for nothing else but its preservation. Herein, Eberle Catampongan is a painter and a gatekeeper all at once. Our access to a past, he paints. Held within him is a passion for stoking the fire. And so, memories, rather than wither, are given the stage for reminiscence. Little do we know, perhaps, that we crave it.


Tradition inspires us to come together. Its spirit reminds us about all things eternal. It is about us.

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